Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Premium for the June Agility Trials is Available!
The premium for the Paducah Kennel Club agility trials is available from It will be held June 15-17, 2012, in Paducah, KY, indoors, air-conditioned, on soccer turf. It opens Wednesday, April 18th, first received, 330 runs, Std, JWW all days, with T2B on Friday.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Obedience Trial Premium List HERE
April 14 and 15, 2012
(Obedience Events #2012212301, #2012212302)
At the Paducah Kennel Club Building
1325 Fisher Road, Paducah, KY 42086
Trial hours: 7:30 am to 5:00 pm CDT)
Trials will be held indoors on mats, unbenched.
Entries are open to All-American dogs listed in the AKC Canine Partners program.
CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the AKC for holding these events under AKC rules and regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary |
Entries close Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 6:00 PM at the trial secretary's office for all trials, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, or altered except as may be specifically provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the AKC Dog Show Rules.
Paducah Kennel CLUB, INC.
President Gene Gladstetter
Vice President Fred Jackson
Treasurer Dee Felts
Secretary Charlotte Holt
470 Wyatt Ave. Kevil, Ky 42053. (270) 462-2502
Chairperson – Virginia Manchester, 860 Lone Oak Road, Paducah, KY
42003, (270) 210-8298.
Trial Secretary – Mimi Nicholson, 7939 Washington Avenue, Evansville, IN
47715, (812) 479-1364.
Catalog – Mimi Nicholson
Committee: Judy Johnson, Steve Johnson, Mevalyn HouseJUDGE:
Richard Strong #2197
7721 Cardinal Cove North Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Saturday, April 14, 2011 All classes judged by Richard Strong | Sunday, April 15, 2012 All classes judged by Richard Strong |
Novice A and B | Novice A and B |
Open A and B | Open A and B |
Utility A and B UDX | Utility A and B UDX |
Beginner Novice A and B Graduate Novice Graduate Open | Beginner Novice A and B Graduate Novice Graduate Open |
These trials will run in jump height order, short to tall.
****Move-ups between days will be allowed. The request to move up must be made to the Trial Secretary no later than one-half hour after the conclusion of obedience classes.****
PRIZES for THE obedience trials
RIBBONS: First place…...Blue; Second place……Red;
Third place…..Yellow; Fourth place….White
Qualifying score…..A dark green qualifying ribbon will be given to
each dog attaining a qualifying score.
Blue and Gold Rosette; Lands End tote bag each day
Blue and Green Rosette, Lands End tote bag each day
OTCH: Red, Gold, and Blue rosette
Find area pet-friendly hotels at:
Dr. Eugene Ceglinski 5401 Blandville Road, Paducah (270) 554-0171 | Paducah Veterinary Clinic 3205 Central Avenue, Paducah (270) 443-8835 |
Directions to Ceglinski Animal Clinic: Turn right out of the PKC driveway onto Fisher Rd. Turn left on Hwy 62. Travel approximately 5 miles to 5401 Blandville Rd (also Hwy 62). Clinic is on left at corner of Hwy 62 & S. Friendship Rd. Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Saturday 8:00 AM-noon
First obedience entry of each dog, per day.........................$26.00
Additional entry of same dog, per day ...................$18.00
Two-day catalog, pre-ordered..............................................$3.00
(A limited supply of catalogs will be available at the trial)
Entry fees are payable to “Paducah Kennel Club”; mail to:Trial Secretary Paducah Kennel Club 7939 Washington Avenue Evansville, IN 47715 |
Entries that are illegible or do not contain complete information, with the AGREEMENT form attached and including the jump height when applicable, will not be accepted. The exhibitor may not be notified of the entry’s status before closing.
At the club building Friday night,
April 13, 3 to 7 PM.
$10 for 10 minutes.
The following pertains to all obedience events:
OBEDIENCE FEES include a 50-cent AKC Recording Fee and $3.00 Event
Service Fee. The recording fee is INCLUDED in the entry fee; DO NOT ADD $3.50 TO YOUR ENTRY. (American Kennel Club rule, Chapter 11, Section 2).
ENTRY FEES shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by veterinarian or judge, or barred from competition by action of the show committee. If because of riots, civil disturbances, extreme and/or dangerous weather conditions, emergency, or other acts beyond the control of the management, it is impossible to open or complete the show, no refund of entry fees will be made.
PLEASE NOTE: Refund of entry fees, less AKC processing fees (see above) and a $10 administration fee, for bitches entered in obedience that come in season after the closing date of this show may be obtained by sending a veterinarian's certificate to the trial secretary. This certificate must be postmarked before the opening day of the trial or given to the trial secretary before the start of the trial.
RETURNED CHECKS do not constitute a valid entry fee. The trial secretary will collect a $25 administrative fee over the amount of each returned check. Subsequent returned checks from the same exhibitors may result in their being put on a cash only basis.
ENTRIES will not be accepted if received without fees or signature or the agreement on back of form. No fax, phone, or credit card entries accepted.
ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED if illegible or without complete information, including jump height. NO ENTRY shall be made and no entry shall be accepted which specifies any condition as to its acceptance.
OWNERS without an e-mail address may not be notified of entry errors in time for corrections in the catalog.
ALL RIBBONS and TROPHIES must be claimed at the show by the owner or handler. None will be mailed.
DOGS NEED be present only at scheduled time of judging and may leave immediately thereafter, unless required for further judging. THE HANDLER of each dog is solely responsible for having it ready at ringside when its class is to be judged. Judges are not required to wait for any dog.
ALL DOGS must be on leash and under control at all times. 'DOG' means either sex.
ANY EXHIBITOR whose dogs and/or children create unnecessary disturbances or repeatedly engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior may, at the discretion of the Trial Committee, be asked to leave the trial site. No refund of any fees paid will be made.
EXHIBITORS ARE RESPONSIBLE for any damage they or their dogs do and for cleaning up after their own dogs on the trial or hotel/motel grounds.
EXHIBITORS SHOULD FOLLOW THEIR VETERINARIANS’ RECOMMENDATIONS to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations.
THE Paducah Kennel CLUB, INC. assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by the exhibitors, handlers, or any of their dogs or property, and further assumes no responsibility for injury to children not under the control of their parents or guardians. Please see the back of the entry form for details. PKC participates in the AKC Arbitration option. Hotels and motels are considered part of the trial site.
Paducah Kennel CLUB, INC.
Entries for both trials close Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 6:00 pm CDT at trial secretary’s office. Entry fees: For each dog entered in a Regular Obedience class, $26 for each day entered and $18 for each additional daily entry of the same dog.
Fees payable to PKC. Mail entries to: Trial Secretary, Paducah Kennel Club, 7939 Washington Avenue, Evansville, IN 47715.
Enclosed is $_________ for entry fees. Add $3.00 per catalog. TOTAL $___________
IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions on the reverse side carefully before filling out.
o Saturday, April 14, 2012
Obedience Class | Additional Class(es) |
o Sunday, April 15, 2012
Obedience Class | Additional Class(es) | |||
Enter number here AKC REG. NO. AKC LITTER NO. ILP NO. FOREIGN REG. NO. AND COUNTRY | BIRTH DATE BIRTH PLACE (CIRCLE) USA Canada Foreign Do not print in catalog | 0BED JUMP HGT | ||
BREEDER | ||||
SIRE | ||||
DAM | ||||
Junior Handlers: complete and sign back of form.
I CERTIFY that I am the actual owner of the dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered above. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I (we) agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club in effect at the time of this show or obedience trial, and by any additional rules and regulations appearing in the premium list for this show or obedience trial or both, and further agree to be bound by the “Agreement” printed on the reverse side of this entry form. I (we) certify and represent that the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. This entry is submitted for acceptance on the foregoing representation and agreement.
SIGNATURE of owner or his agent
duly authorized to make this entry:

I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deem sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prizes, ribbons or trophies, I (we) agree to hold the AKC, the event-giving club, their members, directors, governors, officers, agents, superintendents or event secretary and the owner and/or lessor of the premises and any provider of services that are necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of the afore-mentioned parties, and any AKC approved judge judging at this event, harmless from any claim or loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or about the event premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss, injury or damage to this dog.
Additionally, I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify, defend and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all lose and expenses (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves), or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this event, however such, injuries, death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees, agents, or any other persons. I (we) agree that any cause of action, controversy or claim arising out of or related to the entry, exhibition or attendance at the event between the AKC and the event-giving club (unless otherwise stated in its premium list) and myself (ourselves) or as to the construction, interpretation and effect of this agreement shall be settled by arbitration pursuant to the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association. However, prior to arbitration all applicable AKC bylaws, rules, regulations and procedures must first be followed as set forth in the AKC charter and bylaws, rules, regulations, published policies and guidelines.
1. (Variety) if you are entering a dog of a breed in which there are varieties for show purposes, please designate the particular variety you are entering i.e., Cocker Spaniel (solid color black, ASCOB, parti-color). Beagles (not exceeding 13 inches over 13 inches but not exceeding 15 inches). Dachshunds (longhaired, smooth, wirehaired), Bull Terriers (colored, white), Manchester Terriers (standard, toy), Chihuahuas (smooth coat, long coat), English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Charles), Poodles (toy, miniature, standard), Collies (rough, smooth).
2. The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed competition: Dogs that are Champions of Record and dogs which according to their owner’s records, have completed the requirements for a championship, but whose championships are unconfirmed. The showing of unconfirmed Champions in Best of Breed competition is limited to a period of 90 days from the date of the show where the dog completed the requirements for a championship.
3. (Dog Show Class) Consult the classification in this premium list. If the dog show class in which you are entering your dog is divided, then, in addition to designating the class, specify the particular division of the class in which you are entering your dog, i.e., age division, color division, weight division.
4. A dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually owned it at the time entries for a show closed. If a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner, it must be entered in the name of its new owner in any show for which entries closed after the date of acquirement, regardless of whether the new owner has received the registration certificate indicating that the dog is recorded in his name. State on entry form whether transfer application has been mailed to A.K.C. (for complete rule refer to Chapter 11, Section 3)
JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP. If this entry is for Jr. Showmanship, please give the following information:
AKC Jr. Handler # Jr.’s date of birth
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __
By signing I certify that the Junior does not now and will not act as an agent/handler for pay while competing in Junior Showmanship
If Jr. Handler is not the owner of the dog identified on the face of this form, what is the relationship of the Jr. Handler to the owner?:
Mail entries to:
Trial Secretary
Paducah Kennel Club
7939 Washington Avenue
Evansville, IN 47715Saturday, March 26, 2011
PKC is on TV!
The Paducah Kennel club was invited to do a TV spot on "For the Love Of Animals". Many thanks to hosts Darleen Pigford and Greg Baur for featuring the Club, and to PKC member Esther Peters for doing such a great job!
You can watch the show by clicking HERE
See you at the club!
Don't forget Agility Classes start on the 29th. And check out the side bar on the right for upcoming events.
You can watch the show by clicking HERE
See you at the club!
Don't forget Agility Classes start on the 29th. And check out the side bar on the right for upcoming events.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Agility Classes Starting March 29
![]() |
some of last spring's graduates receive their certificates |
This month the Paducah Kennel Club is offering both BEGINNER and INTERMEDIATE Agility Classes!
Classes are only $15 per session for a six week course. (That's really a good bargain - $90 payable to PKC prior to the first class.) Classes will be starting at 6:30 on Tuesday nights.
Email Agility Chair Gene Glastetter to sign up or if you have any questions.
If you plan to enroll in the BEGINNER classes, your dog and you must have completed a basic obedience class. To sign up for the INTERMEDIATE classes, you and your dog must have completed a beginner Agility course.
See you at the club!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
An Obedience Seminar with the Owner Trainer of the #1 Dog in the USA
We are VERY excited to announce an upcoming Obedience Seminar sponsored by the Paducah Kennel Club on February 26 & 27, 2011.
Laura Romanik had the NUMBER ONE AKC OBEDIENCE DOG in 2009, and she is coming to Paducah to work with you! We are so pleased to be able to present this extraordinary opportunity.
(click on the little arrow in the right upper corner of the grey frame below to enlarge, then use your Esc button on your keyboard to return)
You can download and print the above flyer by clicking on the following links:
This is the outside page
This is the inside page
This is the insert
If you have any problems with the downloads, and would like the documents in WORD, simply email us and kindly use SEMINAR as the subject.
Oh, and just in case you needed any extra incentive, breakfasts and hot, luscious luncheons are FREE!
See you at the club!
Laura Romanik had the NUMBER ONE AKC OBEDIENCE DOG in 2009, and she is coming to Paducah to work with you! We are so pleased to be able to present this extraordinary opportunity.
(click on the little arrow in the right upper corner of the grey frame below to enlarge, then use your Esc button on your keyboard to return)
You can download and print the above flyer by clicking on the following links:
This is the outside page
This is the inside page
This is the insert
If you have any problems with the downloads, and would like the documents in WORD, simply email us and kindly use SEMINAR as the subject.
Oh, and just in case you needed any extra incentive, breakfasts and hot, luscious luncheons are FREE!
See you at the club!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Beginners Agility Classes
Beginners Agility Class
New Classes are forming @ Paducah Kennel Club!! The first Class is September 21st.
Enrollment begins now!!
Participation fee is $90 for six weeks, (wow, that’s only $15 per session – what a bargain) and fee is payable upon registration.
Instruction will begin at 6:30
Reasons to join agility:
· Offers physical exercise for both you and your dog
· Challenges your dog mentally, builds confidence and teaches listening skills
· Builds companionship between you and your dog
· Enjoy the company of many other dog lovers
· PKC has all the equipment seen during agility trials
It is the fastest growing dog sport in the country
Paducah Kennel Club is located at 1325 Fisher Rd Paducah, KY
call 270-210-5424 for more info
dogs must be current on vaccinations and have basic obedience training: sit, stay, come
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Agility anyone? Yes YOU!!!
On Tuesday Sept 7, the Paducah Kennel Club is hosting a Beginners Agility Open House and you're invited! Come on out to the club at 6 pm and watch demos, ask questions and enjoy refreshments.
It's a kickoff for our next series of Beginner and Intermediate Agility lessons which will start on Tuesday, Sept 21 and run for six weeks. It's more fun than anything and you know you want to get started!!!
EMAIL for more info, or just show up on Tuesday the 7th.
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