Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Annual Christmas Party at PKC

Neither wind, nor rain, nor cold, nor nothin' could keep PKC members from celebrating the fellowship we enjoy at our Annual Christmas Feast, Awards Program, and Benefit Auction! It was a nasty night outside, but inside, our meeting room was filled with laughter, festive food, and great cheer.

(You can click on any photo to enlarge it, then use your 'back' button to return.)

Some magical elves (named Ginia Manchester, Lee King, Dee Felts, Gloria Meriwether, Charlotte Holt, and Alice Jackson) decorated and cleaned the meeting room for all of us to enjoy.

Dee cooked two perfectly done turkeys with all the trimmings and a smokey, luscious ham. The members brought the rest, (hopefully we'll be posting some recipes on this blog in the near future) and the kitchen ladies pitched in to get it all set out for us.

The desserts and sides arrived - oh my!

We asked volunteer auctioneer Mike Keeling go to the front of the line.

I'll tell you what. PKC members can cook!!!! Yum.


The first of three President's Awards went to Debbie Cavitt. She's been teaching Obedience Classes, doing CGC and Therapy Dog International testing on a volunteer basis for the club for years. Thank you, Deb.

The second President's Award went to Cathy Crecelius. Cathy worked tirelessly to make our June Agility Trial happen. Thank you, Cathy.

The third President's Award went to Lee King. Lee is helping this (rather clueless) new President so much, that she practically is still the President in everything but name. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lee.

When Mary Bowlin was announced as the worthy recipient of a Lifetime Membership Award, she recieved a standing ovation, and there weren't many dry eyes in the house. Congratulations and thank you for your years of service, Mary.

Mary was the first to congratulate Carol Nielsen on her Lifetime Membership Award. Congratulations and thank you for your years of service, Carol.

And a loud whoop erupted for the Drs. Frank and Mary Adelman to celebrate their Lifetime Membership Awards. Congratulations and thank you for your years of service, Frank and Mary.

Outstanding Service

The PKC Award for Outstanding Service was given to Fred and Joyce Shatzer. Fred brings his own equipment and mows, mows, mows, refusing reimbursement even for gas money. (And we all know what's happened to the price of gas.) Seems like whenever there's a job that needs doing, Fred is there, all matter of fact, no fanfare. Joyce has taken on the roll of Secretary with aplomb. Her notes are accurate, and she tries to keep the new President straight. (No easy job, that!) The Secretary's duty is a big task, and Joyce does it quietly, efficiently, and without complaint or recognition. And then there are the baskets. For raffles and for our Christmas auction, no one can wait to see the Shatzers' baskets. Artfully presented, they are overfilled with amazing goodies! Year after year, those beautiful baskets are our top bidded-on items, and have raised a huge amount for the PKC. Thank you and congratulations, Joyce and Fred!

This year's Walker-Wiseman Award for Outstanding Service went to Dee Felts. And in the wise words of the Awards Committee, "That's a no-brainer!" Did you ever wonder how the PKC grounds stays so neat looking? Dee is out there with her weed-eater, all summer long. Have you noticed how many new trees have been planted? Dee and her trusty shovel. Who hauls the trash away, and who takes the recycling in? Dee. Who washes the dish rags and all those festive red tablecloths? Dee. Who cooks and cleans for every function? Who comes early and stays late? Dee and Dee. Who meticulously balances our books and finds us the best deals on insurance, on the mortgage, on whatever we need? You guessed it: Dee Felts. I'm sure there's more, but for this award and for everything you do for the Paducah Kennel Club, congratulations and thank you, Dee Felts.


Checking out just one of the tables of goodies

We have to thank volunteer auctioneer, Mike Keeling for doing the honors each year for us. He helped us raise a bountiful sum, and made us laugh while we opened our hearts and our wallets!

The camera man was too busy bidding big bucks for his 'far' engine red cadilac cap (sigh) to take pictures, but congratulations to all of us for bringing great stuff and bidding up a storm. Special mention must be made to Betsy Bosarth's fiance', Dave Chester. Dave not only fixed the training room heater for free, he was one of the evening's High Rollers, bidding $35 on this rubber chicken! You rock, Dave!

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to all!

see you at the club

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweet Success - the PKC Autum Agility Trial

The ring is almost ready.

The National Anthem is sung so beautifully, young Kendell Washington blows everyone away. It's a perfect start to a fabulous weekend.

Worker bees.

Everyone loves the ribbon ladies!

And everyone loves the kitchen ladies, too!

The Trial Photographer, Karen Woods of Woods Vue Photography, (seen here talking with judge, Keith Harold of Eudora, KS) is going to send us some action shots of the trial, plus a gorgeous collage she did of the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. We'll post them in a separate entry.

Two of the thousands of smiles in evidence all four days.

We made the front page of Saturday's paper,

and page two of the Sunday Sun! Not to mention the TV news on WPSD!

What a fantastic event.

What a fantastic Kennel Club.

What a fantastic group of MEMBERS!!!

see you at the club ...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Agility Trial Oct 22 - 25

Marth Veach and her young Labrador, Wilson, compete at PKC's June trial at the Sports Plex.

Come on out to the Paducah Regional Sports Plex (approximately 2.5 miles west from I-24, Highway 60 in Paducah, exit 4) to see the fastest growing AKC dog sport in the country!

Thursday hours are 4 PM to around 9 PM. Friday and Saturday are completely filled. More than 330 dogs will run from 8 AM to around 5 PM and on Sunday we'll run more than 300 dogs from 8 AM to around 4 PM.

You can read more about it HERE.

Paducah Kennel Club members will be wearing their red shirts and will be happy to answer your questions.

Admission is


for spectators! Bring your friends!

You won't believe how much fun you have. Competitors are mingling around with spectators, and you can have a front row seat right in all the action.

This is our biggest trial yet. Members of the WORLD TEAM are coming to Paducah to compete, along with amateurs and professionals from all over the country. There will also be vendors with unique goodies that you can't find elsewhere.

[***PKC Members, please check you email for more info about the dinner.]

see you at the club (and the 'Plex this weekend!)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Obedience Time!

Hats off to the Obedience Crew! A new class started on October 1st.

The fab four: Sally Moore, Obedience Chair Ginia Manchester, Judy Johnson, and Lead Instructor Debbie Cavitt

Fred the Beagle wants to see the handout, too, Maurica!

First time in the ring

It will be fun to see the class learn and improve as the weeks go on!



On the 3rd and 4th of October, PKC hosted an Obedience Seminar, given by Bridget Carlsen.

Bridget Carlsen and her Norwich Terrier demonstrating the happy training technique, which has won Bridget such renown.

Bridget Carlsen has been training dogs for over 30 years. She has put 52 titles (and counting!) from the sports of Obedience, Field and Agility on seven Golden Retrievers and a Norwich Terrier. Her accomplishments include 6 Obedience Trial Champion (OTCH) titles, 8160 lifetime OTCH points, 147 High in Trial (HIT) awards, 195 High Combined (HC) awards, and perfect 200 scores in both Open and Utility.

Working slots were full and even auditing slots for the Seminar were well attended.

Obedience Chair, Virginia Manchester wrote:

I would like to give a big thanks to Debbie Cavitt for a great weekend. The kitchen crew was wonderful as usual-----Dee, Lee, and Patience. Also a big thanks to all who brought food. We had a great turnout and people from as far away as Maryland, and Kansas City, St Louis, Nashville and Evansville. I''m probably leaving others out and I apologize.

And the comments from the participants were so complimentary:
  • "We always know the food is going to be good at Paducah!"
  • "You people sure do know how to put on a party!"
  • "You are so lucky to have this place. It's just beautiful."
  • "This has just been perfect. I've learned a ton and stuffed myself: It doesn't get better than that!"

Thank you Debbie, and Ginia for your hard work to make this such a success! Thanks to the members who brought yummy food - it was appreciated. (And special thanks to Debbie's dad for mowing on Friday.)

See you out at the club!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So Much Fun!

PKC member Martha Veach had a great idea. "Let's have an Agility Show and Go, and then a potluck. Greg will cook his world famous smoked pork chops, and everyone can bring sides and desserts."
Yes, indeedy!

I forgot my camera, so there are no photos of the challenging course that was built, but it was great practice. (Thanks to Martha for these photos.) We charged $5 for unlimited runs for PKC members, and $7 for non-members. Indoors, the obedience ring was all set to go for obedience practice. We ran some seriously happy dogs from 4 pm to 6:30, and the rain for the most part held off.

Then it was ... dinnertime. Oh yeah. I'll tell you what, PKC members can solid cook! Greg's pork chops, in addition to being HUGE, were tender, smokey, juicy oh lordy yum. And then there was the rest. I know I'm going to leave something - several somethings - out. Too much to remember. But, chili, cheesy scalloped potatoes, white beans, salad, ambrosia, wild rice, bread salad, melons, garden 'maters, butternut squash casserole, Ramon noodle salad, bananas in some kind of way yummy yogurt nut sauce, pies, pies, oh my gosh pies, blueberry crumble, cake, cookies, and more!

All that for $5 per person. Yes, you heard it right. I'm still full!

After paying for the meat, the club made $95. Talk about win win!
Pork chop man Greg
Martha, thanks for your super idea. Greg, thanks for your amazing chef skills. Thanks to everyone who came and contributed such yumminess!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Brag!

Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Sam
Sharon Shanahan writes:

Sam won Utility B in Evansville on Saturday, Sept. 5th, with a 194 1/2. It was a big class and there were lots of REALLY good dogs there, so I was stunned! Then he got a 193 1/2 in Open, which did not place him in the ribbons, but gave him his second UDX leg, and he now has 45 Master Obedience points. And the Utility win gave him his first OTCh points--17 points! And this was only the third time he's been in the UDX classes. What a grand little guy!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Classes! We got CLASSES!!!

The Paducah Kennel Club will be offering Obedience Classes and Agility Classes!

Obedience Classes will begin on October 1st, and will be Thursday nights. Six classes are only $75 (with a discount for PKC members). This is a basic class for family pets, taught by folks who know and love dogs, and have earned obedience titles on their dogs. Dogs should be up to date on all vaccinations, including Kennel Cough. Contact Debbie Cavitt 554-1954 or Virginia Manchester 444-9694.

Agility Classes will be held on Monday nights, starting on October 5th. They will be taught by Nationally known expert Kristy Netzer. A series of six classes, at $20 per class, payable at the first class. Dogs should have basic Obedience training, and be up to date on all vaccinations, including Kennel Cough. Advanced classes are also available, as are private lessons. This is a tremendous opportunity! Contact Gene Glastetter by email or phone: 270.442.7547
See you at class!

We're on the News!

WPSD is doing a piece on how dogs help keep their owners fit! They taped the other day out at the club.

Johnette Worak interviews Cassie "Little Britches" Holt.

Versace Glastetter is ready for her closeup!

OH NO!!! Hope they don't show that one!

Wilson Veach gave WPSD reporter Johnette Worak a lesson!

Wilson from martha veatch on Vimeo.

Watch tonight at 10:00 PM!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

PKC's 2nd Annual Dog Fair

(Click on any photo to enlarge, use your back button to return)

The weather was glorious! Sunny with a nice breeze. We had a lovely turnout, and our members worked hard.


For this:

A visitor with his dog.

Amazing Search and Rescue Labrador Retriever
demonstrating Cadaver work by finding a jar of human tissue in the middle of a field.

PKC members showed their dogs' Agility skills all day

The Meet The Breeds area

The Canine Cop wowed everyone!

Inside, Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog International testing attracted dogs and handlers from 3.5 hours away! The tests went on all day.
And folks got their pets' portraits professionally taken, keeping the photographer busy.

A Search and Rescue bloodhound impressed everyone with her tracking skills.

Heading out to the retrieving/hunting demo.

It's so much fun to hear folks murmur, "Wow," "Awesome,"
and "That is so cool!"

What a wonderful day!

The yard sale was a tremendous success by all accounts. Thanks to all PKC members for their hard work and good spirits, and thanks to all the folks who came out for fun!